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Individual Learner Assessments

Center-based individual learner assessments provide families and teaching staff with an assessment of the learner’s strengths and areas of need based upon direct observation and interaction with the learner. Individual learner assessments are conducted by Board Certified Behavior Analysts under the supervision of Gina Tirri, BCBA, LBA or Emily Kerwin, BCBA-D, LABA. A full range of skill domains, (e.g. verbal behavior, self-care, socialization) will be assessed including those identified in the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment & Placement Program (VB-MAPP,Sundberg, 2008) or the Essential for Living (EFL, McGreey & Fry, 2008). Problem behavior that includes self-injury or behavior that interferes with learning will receive priority attention during the assessment. The assessment will also include a determination of the teaching methods which appear to facilitate the learner’s acquisition of important skills. Through hands-on coaching, the learner’s teaching staff will be trained to implement the most effective teaching procedures.

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